About Veil of Singularity

Veil of Singularity is a visionary project born from the depths of Sydney’s music scene in 2024. Blending the raw intensity of nu-metal with the transformative power of artificial intelligence, this band transcends genres and challenges perceptions. Each note, riff, and lyric is meticulously crafted by cutting-edge AI technology, specifically the groundbreaking Udio software service, resulting in a sound that is both otherworldly and deeply emotive.

Music & Themes

Dive into the richly textured soundscapes of Veil of Singularity’s AI-composed tracks. These songs explore profound themes of technological singularity, human identity, and the future of consciousness. Through heavy metal’s vigorous energy and philosophical undertones, the band delivers a sonic narrative that transcends mere music. It’s an experience—a journey through the landscapes of our increasingly digital world.

Explore our music

Immerse yourself in our discography, featuring tracks that push the boundaries of what metal can be. From the thunderous beats to the haunting melodies, each song is a testament to the limitless possibilities of AI in music composition. Check us out on Apple Music or Spotify!

Our record label

Veil of Singularity is proudly signed to an equally non-existent cutting-edge record label that champions innovation and pushes boundaries in the music industry. Together, they are redefining what it means to be at the forefront of musical experimentation and artistic exploration.

More about this soon!

Meet Veil of Singularity

Meet the members of this powerhouse ensemble, each bringing their own unique flair of absence to the stage.

Introducing the members

Eli Blaze on vocals and guitar, his brother Max Blaze on bass (rumored to have a bassline for every occasion), Max Hammer on drums, and Gherard Panzerstrumpfen on keyboards.

Veil of Singularity makes mind-bending metal that explores the depths of human emotion and technology. They might just be too good to be true!

Some amazing magazines that have not mentioned us

Full album coming soon

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Things that nobody actually said about us.
But they could have!


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Reach out to us—we’d love to hear from you.

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